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All we really want is more glory... Mahesh Chavda already had and But, hey! Where better to end up searching for this page than there (except, perhaps, here or here)?!

This is an answer to a problem I had.... I always wanted more... I grew up in the church, got hungry, and went looking. I didn't turn to the church first because I'd been there all my life, why would I? I searched for truth, for God, for that "real thing" (not just other people, but with God). I eventually found myself visiting conferences. Alot of conferences. Besides the freedom, I found the revelation and teaching was equipping me. I even heard the late Jill Austin say she felt that conferences were becoming the new seminaries. So, eventually comes the question. God! I'm so desperate to be around people who are hungry like me! I love the rest of the church too, but where can I go to get more?!? Every day of your life.

From there, it was looking for Elijah List ad-blasts or specific speakers, but invariably, Bobby Conner would visit Saginaw and I wouldn't see it, or Chuck Pierce would come to Ann Arbor and I'd miss it, simply because I couldn't look at 50 websites every week. So, here it is. All in one. Sorted by date. Take it or leave it.


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