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Click on a state to see some of the Christian events and conferences in your area. If this site interests you, feel free to contact me (click About Us on the right).

NOTE: Always be sure to check the minister's website to confirm an event!!

US Map Washington Oregon Oregon California Nevada Idaho Utah Arizona Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Texas Minnesota Iowa Missouri Arkansas Louisiana Wisconsin Illionois Michigan Michigan Michigan Indiana Ohio Mississippi Alabama Tennessee Kentucky Georgia Florida Florida South Carolina North Carolina Virginia Washington, DC West Virginia Maryland Delaware Pennsylvania New Jersey New York Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Maine Alaska Hawaii Canada
Click here for international events.


Our system has been upgraded! We no longer have to do any complicated setup to add ministers. All we need is an name, ministry, home page, and itinerary URL, and the computer does the rest! Everything else is accomplished behind the scenes. This means much less foot work to keep up with the 100+ ministers in our database as they change their web-page layouts. This also means it is much easier to add additional ministers.

We also have a new look. Templates are a just the skin, while the content is the meat, but they they do make a place attractive or not.

New Listings

If you are a ministry that would like to be listed or know of one you would like to see added to our system, simply mail in the minister's name and we should be able to include it in short time.


  • Got a minister you would like to see listed? Email me and I'll see if I can make it happen. I can't grab Flash websites, though.
  • Are you a minister or a website owner with issues about me grabbing your freely available itinerary information and re-publishing it, being sure to refer visitors to the original site and refreshing all event information every couple weeks? Really? Talk to me...
  • Otherwise, just feel free to provide feedback: